Up Life List of Galapagos Birds Slideshow

Albatross, Waved, 2004-10314108
Ani, Smooth-billed, 2004-11035270
Booby, Blue-footed, 2004-10303790
Booby, Nazca, 2004-11045944
Booby, Red-footed, 2004-11045600
Cormorant, Galapagos, 2004-11025076
Dove, Galapagos, 2004-11045647
Duck, White-cheeked Pintail, 2004-11035510
Finch, Cactus, 2004-11035339
Finch, Large Ground, 2004-11035307
Finch, Merdium Ground, 2004-10303612
Finch, Sharp-billed, 2004-11045756
Finch, Small Ground, 2004-11014753
Finch, Small Tree, 2004-11035463
Finch, Vegetarian, 2004-11035284
Finch, Warbler, 2004-10313970
Finch, Woodpecker, 2004-11035433
Flamingo, Greater, 2004-11014695
Flycatcher, Galapagos, 2004-11014770
Flycatcher, Vermillion, 2004-11035521c
Frigatebird, Great, 2004-11045687
Frigatebird, Magnificant, 2004-11014354
Gull, Lava, 2004-11045825
Gull, Swallowtailed, 2004-10314181
Hawk, Galapagos, 2004-11056069
Heron, Lava, 2004-11056351
Heron, Yellow-crowned Night, 2004-10314216
Mockingbird, Espanola, 2004-10314230
Mockingbird, Floreana, 2004-11014641
Mockingbird, Galapagos, 2004-11045660
Noddy, Brown, 2004-11014508
Owl, Barn,2004-11035485
Owl, Short-eared, 2004-11045918
Oystercatcher, American, 2004-11056318
Penguin, Galapagos, 2004-11024898
Sandpiper, Wandering Tattler, 2004-11056292
Shearwater, Audobon's, 2004-11014552
Tropicbird, Red-billed, 2004-10313994

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